Perpetual Adoration is now happening! 24/5 - The Chapel will be open Monday-Saturday. Please consider filling the spots that have one Adorer.
Weekly Time Slots: one-hour openings available from Monday mornings (after 7am Mass) to Saturday mornings (before 8am Mass)
Need: at least 2 adorers per hour
Sign up for a Weekly Commitment at
For the Chapel door code, please call our office at 512-454-0384.
Sub password: subpass
¡Todos los horarios de Adoración del Santísimo están abiertos!
Horarios semanales: vacantes de una hora disponibles desde los lunes por la mañana (después de la misa de las 7am) a los sábados por la mañana (antes de la misa de las 8am)
Se necesita: al menos 2 adoradores por hora
Regístrese para un compromiso de una hora semanal en
Eucharistic Revival + Upcoming Parish Holy Hours
Our Parish Chapel is open for prayer during regular business hours.
You are welcome to use the space for prayer during office business hours (M-F 9:00am - 6:00pm).
Eucharistic Adoration, or just adoration for short, is the worship that the Christian faithful give to Jesus Christ truly present in the Eucharist.
Because Christ comes to us in such a humble, loving way in the Eucharist, and since He is truly present in this sacrament, we adore Him in a special way when we spend time with Him in adoration. To be able to gaze upon our Lord, our Creator and Savior, in such an intimate way is a gift without compare that He has given us. Out of thanksgiving for His blessings to us, we go to adore Him. The Catechism says: Because Christ himself is present in the sacrament of the altar, He is to be honored with the worship of adoration.
First, try to find someone to cover you. If you can find no one, contact [email protected].
Adoration is a time for quiet contemplation and prayer with God. Babies and small children crying or being restless and noisy can be very distracting to others. This should be kept in mind, as only you know your children and how they might act. Still, it is very good for children to come to adoration. Since many children have trouble being still for extended periods of time, consider bringing your spouse or other trusted adult to adoration, so that if your child becomes restless, one of you can go outside the room with them and watch over them. Adoration is open to anyone. Please maintain a disposition of silence and reverence in the chapel.