On Jan. 1, 2002, the Catholic Diocese of Austin instated policies on Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) for all employees and adult volunteers who minister to youth or vulnerable adults in the diocese.
These policies were revised in August 2008 and again in 2011. Clergy, religious, paid staff and all volunteers working with youth and/or vulnerable adults at any parish, Catholic school or diocesan location are required to complete an Application for Ministry/background check, and attend an EIM workshop every three years.
Compliance with EIM policies, by persons who do ministry where minors and vulnerable adults may be present, provides educated eyes and ears and voices to assist our church is doing all that it can to keep young people and vulnerable adults safe from preventable harm. We are all called to protect.
All clergy, paid staff, and all volunteers working with youth and vulnerable adults, at any parish or diocesan location, are required to complete a one-time Application for Ministry prior to beginning their work/service and attend an EIM workshop within 30 days of submitting the application.
To attend an EIM workshop you must:
Create an EIM account using the directions below
Submit an application
Pre-register for a workshop.
Click below to find out more information about workshops throughout the Diocese.
EIM InformationArrive promptly as the workshop will start on time and late arrivals will not be permitted entrance.
To register: login to your Virtus account using the link below (use the Alternate Login option if needed), click Sign Up for a Workshop (bottom right) to see a list of all EIM workshops and click Sign Up for the workshop you wish to attend.
Contact the EIM office at [email protected] or (512) 949-2447.