As a diverse Catholic community, our primary expression of worship is the celebration of the Eucharist. We strive to offer liturgy in ways that deepen all levels of spiritual development. The liturgical seasons motivate and inspire our worship. Through our liturgical celebrations we strive to create an environment that enhances and strengthens our parishioners’ spiritual needs and heightens the joy of receiving the Eucharist. We have both English and Spanish Masses throughout the week. Our liturgical ministry is an integral part of our worship, led by staff and dedicated volunteers who provide training and scheduling for the hundreds of volunteers who actively participate at all services.
Part of the success of managing the numerous volunteers in Liturgical Ministry is open communication for those who have internet access. Ministers can access their personal schedule here.
Ministers who do not have internet access have printed schedules available in the Ministry Room of the church.
Acolytes – Men who assist the celebrant at the altar, take Communion to the homebound and nursing homes and possibly enter Diaconate training if called to that ministry. Training required.
Lectors – Men, women and older youth who proclaim the Word of God at Masses and other liturgical services. Training required.
Altar Servers – Parish youth from 4th grade through high school who serve at the altar during Masses, funerals and other liturgies. Training required.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – Men, women and older youth who offer the Body and Blood of Christ to members during Masses and/or to our homebound parishioners. Training required.
Hospitality Ministers – Men, women and older youth who welcome and assist parishioners at weekend Masses, take up collections, guide Eucharistic processions and distribute materials as needed. Training required.
Altar Guild – Men, women and older youth who prepare the church for weekend Masses and weddings doing light cleaning, polishing brass, setting up the sacristy. This is a component of the Women’s Club.
Flower Guild – Parishioner teams create weekly floral arrangements that beautify our sanctuary. Training required.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Teams of volunteers who pray before the Blessed Sacrament at scheduled Adoration times.
Prayer Groups – English and Spanish groups that meet weekly to share group prayer, offer prayer intentions for individuals, and the community.
Rosary Ministry – English and Spanish teams that serve as rosary leaders before designated weekend Masses, after weekday masses, and for funerals.
Altar Servers are the parish youth through high school who serve at the altar during Masses, funerals, and other liturgical services. Training required. Learn More >
Men who assist the celebrant at the altar, take communion to the homebound and nursing homes, and possibly enter the Diaconate training if called to that ministry. Training required.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion is a prerequisite for this ministry. Homebound ministers make home visits to parishioners who are no longer able to attend Mass, whether short term, (i.e. someone recovering from surgery) or long term, (i.e. someone who is facing life and health issues).
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are men, women, and older youth who offer the Body and Blood of Christ to worshippers during Masses and/or to the homebound. Training required.
Sisterhood of the Holy Cloth is a ministry with no meetings, no dues and you can work from home. Volunteers weekly launder the purificators and corporals used at Mass and work in teams on a rotating schedule. Training is provided on how to launder and iron these sacred linens.
Hospitality Ministers are men, women, and older youth who welcome and assist worshippers at Masses/liturgies, take up collections, guide Eucharistic processions, and distribute bulletins and other materials as needed. On the job training provided.
The Welcome Ministry is available in the Narthex immediately before and after specified Masses, assisting newcomers and visitors with their questions. The time commitment is approximately 30 minutes on assigned weekends, only once or twice a month. Training and resource materials are provided.
Parishioner teams that purchase and create floral arrangements that beautify our sanctuary for Sunday Mass, Easter, Christmas, and other special occassions. No special skills required, training provided.
English and Spanish teams serve as rosary leaders before designated weekend Masses, after weekday Masses, and for funerals.
Men, women, and older youth who prepare the church for weekend Masses and weddings by doing light cleaning, polishing brass, and setting up the sacristy. This is a component group of the Women’s Club.